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Online Booking FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Booking

Regular Appointments

This is the most common appointment type and most likely the one you need to book. These appointments are for 10 minutes.

Same Day Appointments

Same Day Appointments are reserved for urgent issues where you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. We keep aside several of these appointments each day and they can only be booked on the same day but no further in advance. The online booking system is able to reserve the same appointments that our front desk staff see, so if you see no available appointments online then all same day appointments are already filled for that day. Please do not book these for prescription refills.

Extended Appointments

These appointments are for when your Doctor needs a little more time than a regular appointment. If you're booking for any of the following reasons then you should book an extended appointment: PAPs, mental health follow ups, baby exams, ICBC, WCB, for forms that have more than 3 pages, driver's medical exams, cortisone injections and physical exams.

Booking Window

The online system is able to book appointments up to 45 days in advance. This is the same amount of time we are able to book if you call the clinic directly.

Doctor Selection

The online system will only look for appointments with your regular doctor, or with their locum when they are away from the clinic.


Cancelling an appointment that you no longer require allows us to book in another patient to that space. We do not charge for cancelled appointments. The online system allows cancellation up to 24 hours in advance (there is a link in the confirmation email you received for the appointment, or you can use the cancel link on the home page of this website).  If you need to cancel with less than 24 hours notice please call the clinic directly.


The charge for a no show / missed appointment is $35 for regular & same day appointments and $70 for extended appointments.

Booking Window

The online system is able to book appointments up to 45 days in advance. This is the same amount of time we are able to book if you call the clinic directly.

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